Job Posting
Urban Agriculture Specialist
$20/hr x 35 hr week
Start date: July 19, 2021
One year contract position
Applicant must be 30 years of age or younger
Reports to Program Manager, Green Thumbs Growing Kids
Green Thumbs Growing Kids' mission is to cultivate environmental stewardship through hands-on garden and food education for urban children and their communities. The programs take place during the school day and after school/summertime, with a variety of age groups. The successful candidate will have experience with children and/or youth, and a working knowledge of greenhouse and garden tasks related to food production. Soil science and composting knowledge, as well as an ability to teach these concepts, are highly valued for this position. Bicycle/trailer an asset.
Our evolving vision for the school gardens is a Food Forest, feeding humans and other life forms. The teaching spaces are to include tree nurseries, pollinator patches, edible and medicinal plants, pathways that are distinguished from beds by the use of woodchip mulch, and signage where appropriate. In winter, the Urban Agriculture Specialist will concentrate on composting, lesson plans, and online/indoor classroom programs. This position is intended to approach climate change education in a hands-on, age appropriate fashion, by teaching soil health = plant health = human health = planetary health. There will be opportunities for professional development.
Description of Duties:
Manage greenhouse, school gardens and Green Roof tasks including food production, composting, planting, harvesting, weed control, pollinator plant support
Work collaboratively with teachers and colleagues (placement students, volunteers) to ensure that gardens are maintained, help train summer staff in proper gardening techniques, plant identification
Promote the School Garden programs in the community through blogging and social media, as time permits
Run programs with small groups, COVID-safe, after school and in summer
Support teachers remotely via email and text to use gardens for education
Develop, test and refine curriculum relating to food systems, horticulture, urban agriculture, healthy soil, carbon sequestration, food justice, culturally relevant foods, and food security, whenever possible
Track attendance and program content using our Program Log
Support online learning by creating or facilitating the creation of short videos/presentations that can be used in our online programming, until in-person programs are possible
Manage supplies including purchase using petty cash system
Recommend the purchase of tools and equipment, ongoing
Send cover letter and resume in one document to
Subject: Urban Agriculture Specialist
DEADLINE: July 9, 5 pm
This position is covered 80% by ECO Canada, and the remaining 20% from grants and donations.