Green Thumbs Growing Kids and Youth Voices Research Group are seeking to hire and train eight youth who currently live in St. James Town to be Youth Health Navigators.
Youth Health Navigators will: assist in urban food and garden programming with children and families; help with increasing access to healthy food; utilize their knowledge of the “new Canadian” experience; document their experiences around food and health using photos, video, or other art forms; and assist with communicating health equity messages to other youth and the broader community.
Salary: $12.00 per hour for senior positions, $10.25 for junior positions.
Hours: 24 per week through summer, some fall/winter hours as well.
About Us: Green Thumbs Growing Kids is a non-profit community organization offering fun food growing and environmental education programs in 3 inner-city schools and 2 park sites, in the neighbourhoods of St. James Town, Cabbagetown, Moss Park, and Regent Park.
Youth Voices Research Group is a research unit based at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. We focus on creating health promoting systems for young people by using social media technologies and arts-based strategies.
Qualifications: • Have an interest in gardening, food security, and health equity, • Able to do physical work outdoors and interested in gaining basic construction skills, • Must have childcare experience, • Able work with different ages and diverse groups, • Have basic computer skills and familiarity with online social networking tools (e.g. Facebook), • Good organizational, time- management and problem- solving skills, • Strong written and oral command of the English language, and • Must be a resident of St. James Town and between the ages of 15-24. • Must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or a person to whom refugee protection has been granted under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and legally entitled to work in Ontario.
To apply: Please send your resume and cover letter to the “Summer Hiring Committee at info@kidsgrowing.ca. The deadline is Tuesday June 8 at 5 pm for senior positions and Friday June 25 for junior positions.
EDIT– Thursday, June 17: Still taking applicants for senior positions!
Go to our website for more details and to download the flyer.